Monday, May 31, 2010

Another Demo movie of "Muroto for iPad"

Hi, it is NISHIO Hirokazu. I posted Hacker's Cafe Blog: MUROTO: tangible figure as a controller for iPad apps, however it said difficult to see that Muroto can get the information of position and direction. So I made another demo program and movie again!

In the movie, it is more clear:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

MUROTO: tangible figure as a controller for iPad apps

Hi, it is NISHIO Hirokazu. I and KUCHII Jun made a system to control iPhone/iPad apps with tangible figure for "Make: Tokyo Meeting 05" on the last Sunday. We called it "MUROTO". Using MUROTO you can know the type of figure you put on iPhone, the direction and also position(not shown in movie)
So you can use tangible figures as a controller! We are making demo apps for iPad now. Don't miss it! See also: PONG-like game played on iPad with tangible controller

Thursday, May 13, 2010

13 chars in [4,+,-,*,/] can make all number in range(60)

Hi, it is Dr. NISHIO Hirokazu. Today I wonder how much characters required to make fixed-width one-digit-only digital clock. Which digit is the most suitable?

When I allow to use bitwise calculation, 5 is the most suitable digit. It requires only 8 characters.

0 555/5555
1 ~~-5+-~5
2 -~-5+-~5
3 555&5*55

Surprisingly in the hardest restriction it requires only 13 characters.

  • no bitwise operation. allow only the 4 arithmetical operations.
  • no minus-minus connection. 4--4 = 4 - -4 is not allowed
  • negate operation should not be aside of the other operation. 4+-4, 4*-4, 4/-4 are also omitted
  • true division. 4 / 44 is not 0, it is 1 / 11.

Here is the result. I think 37 == 4444/44-4*4*4 is very cute!! I love it!

0 4444*4-4*4444
1 44-44+444/444
2 4/4+4444/4444
3 44/44+4/4+4/4
4 4-4/4+444/444
5 4-4-4+4+4+4/4
6 4-4/4+4-44/44
7 -4-44+44+44/4
8 4-4*44+44*4+4
9 4-4+4+4+44/44
10 444/4-4444/44
11 -4+4-4+4+44/4
12 4-4-4-4+4*4+4
13 4-4-4+4*4+4/4
14 4-4/44+444/44
15 4-4+4*4-44/44
16 -4-4-4-4*4+44
17 4*4+4444/4444
18 4+4*4-4/4-4/4
19 -44+4*4*4-4/4
20 4-4/4+4*4+4/4
21 4-4+4+4*4+4/4
22 4-4+44/4+44/4
23 4+4+4*4-44/44
24 4-44+44+4*4+4
25 -4-4*4+44+4/4
26 -4/4+4*4+44/4
27 -4+4*4+4+44/4
28 4*4-4-4+4*4+4
29 4-4-4-44/4+44
30 4+4+44/4+44/4
31 4*4+4*4-44/44
32 44-44/4-44/44
33 44/44+4*4+4*4
34 44+44/44-44/4
35 -44/44-4-4+44
36 -44-4-4+44+44
37 4444/44-4*4*4
38 4-44/4+44+4/4
39 -4-4+4-4/4+44
40 -4*4-4+4*4+44
41 -4+44+444/444
42 -4+44+4/4+4/4
43 -4+44+4-44/44
44 -4*44+44*4+44
45 -44+44+44+4/4
46 -4/4-4/4+4+44
47 -4-4/4+4+44+4
48 -4-4-4+4*4+44
49 -44/4-4+4*4*4
50 44-4-4/4+44/4
51 4+44+44/4-4-4
52 -44+4+44+44+4
53 44+4+4*4-44/4
54 44+44/4-44/44
55 44-44+44+44/4
56 4-4-4-4+4*4*4
57 4/4-4-4+4*4*4
58 4-4/4+44+44/4
59 44+4-4+4+44/4

see also The list of all numbers which can generate from nine 4s and arithmetics operations.